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Who is National Acceptance Company / NAC Billing (

National Acceptance Company (NAC) is a third-party payment processor engaged in the processing of contractual obligations on billing agreements for Gym's, Health Clubs, Promotional Companies, and other organizations throughout the continental United States.  NAC is a processor and not an authorized party to the contract beyond our responsibility to the organization that has engaged us for services to process the contract per the agreed upon terms and conditions.  We do not own or sell billing agreements or memberships to consumers, nor do we have the authority to modify a signed contract / membership agreement.  We must follow the terms of the agreement (including cancellation terms) in the same way that you are required to follow them.

NAC can be reached by telephone at (800) 992-6024 extension 1 (for Member Services).  Our hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm Eastern time.  You may also reach us via the contact form on this site, or any of our other sites.

If you have questions concerning the billing or cancellation matters of your membership program, please reach out to us for assistance.  For Gym, Health Club, Martial Art Studio and other similar facilities, if you have any questions regarding classes, programs, trainers, COVID-19 precautions, child care, scheduling or attendance, please reach out directly to the facility.