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General Information

6 articles

Who is National Acceptance Company / NAC Billing (

National Acceptance Company (NAC) is a third-party payment processor engaged in the processing of contractual obligations on billing agreements for Gym's, Health Clubs, Promotional Companies, and other organizations throughout the continental United States. NAC is a processor and not an authorized ...

Meal Plans

You were provided with a gym access code to the FitSmart Meal Plan App. You will need to create your account the first time you open the app after downloading. The app contains various meal plans including Vegetarian, Paleo, etc. NAC does not provide support nor give advice on the diet or meal pla...

How long is my membership for?

The FitSmart Membership Agreement is a 12-month term membership, which automatically renews (rolls over)1 into a month to month basis at the end of your term membership unless: You cancel your agreement penalty-free within the buyer's remorse period, which is within 3 days2, exclusive of holidays...

The salesperson told me ...

We are required to process and follow the terms of the membership agreement exactly as they are written. If something is not in writing on the original membership agreement, we would not be able to honor it despite what may have been said at the time of signing. We do encourage members to thoroughly...

Do I need to make up frozen or excused time?

In order to cancel for the 16-week Challenge, you must successfully complete 16 consecutive weeks by attending at least 3 times per week for those 16 consecutive weeks. If you listed or noted Vacation time on your Program Guidelines & Procedures sheet when you first signed up, and/or you froze your...

Scheduling Changes

Class Scheduling changes are not a valid reason for cancellation. Likewise, work schedule or other personal schedule changes would also not qualify your membership for cancellation. Program Guidelines and Procedures: I understand that for no reason including non-use, gym scheduling, gym c...