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Challenge / Membership Billing

Billing questions related to the Weight Loss challenge or the 12-month agreement
3 articles

I see a $2.95 charge from your company ( on my bank or credit card statement

The $2.95 charge is a one-time entry and verification fee. It is in addition to your initial investment and it is charged upon our receipt and processing of your billing agreement. It is non-refundable and will only appear once for the lifetime of your contract. You may see this charge multiple tim...

I was charged by your company after I canceled my membership

Your cancellation is based off of the postmarked date of your mailed cancellation request. Receipt and processing of your cancellation may take up to 15 business days due to factors out of our control (such as mail delays). In the event that you incur an additional billing charge between the time t...

My account is past due and the facility will not count my attendance or visit

Please ensure that your account is paid current each month, or contact us to make payment arrangements if necessary. It is your responsibility to ensure that your payments are reflected on your bank/credit card statement each billing, and to notify NAC in the event that something has changed that w...