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Challenge / Membership Cancellations

9 articles

Why must my cancellation be sent to you via Certified Mail?

Your membership/billing agreement requires that all cancellations must be sent Certified Mail. Sending your cancellation documents by Certified Mail via the United States Postal Service (USPS) ensures that the mail piece is able to be tracked to its destination. In the event that we do not receive yo...

How and where do I send my request to cancel my membership?

All cancellations must be sent via US Postal Service via Certified Mail to National Acceptance Company (NAC). Our mailing address for cancellations is: NAC PO Box 6368 Harrisburg, PA 17112 Along with Certified Mail, we do recommend that you request a return receipt from your Post Office. This way, you...


If you receive notification of a possible exposure, or if you believe you or a member of your household may have become infected (but have not yet tested positive) and are required to quarantine, please let us know as soon as possible so that we may freeze or adjust your challenge program accordingl...

How do I cancel for medical reasons?

You must have your physician fill out the Verification of Medical Limitations/Restrictions form in its entirety. In order to be approved for cancellation for medical reasons, your doctor would need to state that your condition is on-going or permanent in nature. The condition or restriction must l...

Can a Midwife sign my Verification of Medical Limitations/Restrictions?

NAC can not accept Verification of Medical Limitations/Restrictions forms which are signed by a midwife.

Can a Chiropractor sign my Verification of Medical Limitations/Restrictions?

No, a Doctor of Chiropractic may not sign a Verification of Medical Limitations/Restrictions form. Chiropractors do not hold medical degrees and are not medical doctors even though they may have extensive training in chiropractic care and may be licensed practitioners.

Can a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) sign my Verification of Medical Limitations/Restrictions?

Yes, a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) can sign your Verification of Medical Limitations/Restrictions. Both an MD (Doctor of Medicine) and a DO (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine) are doctors licensed to practice in the United States. They are similarly educated and certified, but there are differen...

I have moved. How do I cancel for relocation?

You have the option to cancel your membership should you move/relocate more than 25 miles from the address that you provided when you enrolled for the membership at the facility. In order to cancel for relocation, you will need to send a letter requesting cancellation for relocation, along with two...

What other ways can I cancel my membership?

If you do not meet the requirements for cancelling due to medical limitations/restrictions or relocation (including military deployment), you may cancel with a buy-out option if you meet the following criteria: You signed the contract anytime after the year 2017 and the buyout clause exists on your...